Being new to blogland, I, maybe we, are not all that familiar with awards. I guess it is like getting a gold star for sharing in school.

And so we share again.

The rules of accepting the award are as follows:

1. Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them.

Thank you, Danielle from Blissful and Domestic. We are so touched that you thought of us.

2. Tell 7 things about yourself.

Since there are two of us here, I guess we'll answer separately.

  1. I am told that I have height envy because my shoes keep getting taller and taller.
  2. I love sour gummies, especially sour patch cherries.
  3. I would rather play the sport than watch it unless it involves children age 6 or less.
  4. I taught myself to knit.
  5. I like to bake for my man but I usually eat more of it than he does.
  6. I don't like chocolate but I do love brownies. 
  7. I own three pairs of earrings, two of which my little man ruined straightened the hooks for me.

   1.  I love to own shoes but I don't like to wear them.
   2.  My Hubbs and I differ in height by over a foot.
   3.  If I could I would have a smoothie for every meal.
   4.  I love a good book, add a bath and I'm in heaven.
   5.  I consider belly laughing an exercise and try to do it often.
   6.  My dream in life is to have a farm.
   7.  I think service will fix almost any problem in life. 

* Pay it forward and award the Versatile Blogger to 15 recently discovered new bloggers.

Thanks again, Danielle!

If you are looking for some great inspirations, check out these blogs and share the love.

Susan from Busy at Home
Terri from A Creative Princess
Caroline from C.W. Frosting
Daniella Hayes from Layers of Creativity
Lisa from House Dressing
Julie from Pickles & I Scream
Katherine from Styleidoscope
Angie from Tennessee Sunshine
Jackie from I Design
Misty from Not an Empty Room
Sarah from Welcome to the Good Life

And that takes care of everyone we know who hasn't already received this award. We tried to be respectful of those who stated they are award-free so if we missed that on your site, we're sorry. We just wanted to share some bloglove.

                             Misty and  Eve